Why Should I Go to University?

University에 대한 이미지 검색결과
University of Sydney
"What university do you want to go?"
Maybe, one of the questions that I heard the most after becoming a high school student. Families, relatives, friends, and teachers asked the same question over and over again. As I am attending one of the prestigious high schools in Korea, people expect me to go to one of the best universities such as SKY or Ivy League. However, I have a question for those who ask me that question. Why should I go to university? People usually have the preoccupation that going to college is a normal step after graduation from high school. But, no one deeply thinks about why. Lots of famous CEOs and successful people didn't graduate from university, and they are considered role models by people. As a student who has one year left for the university application, I deeply pondered about the aids that college can offer to my life. Yes, there are some benefits that you can get when you graduate college: an easy chance to get jobs, deeper knowledge, respect from others. I didn't feel it was worth paying $50000 each year and locked in more than 4 years inside a campus. 

As a pre-senior, I deeply pondered about this issue. Then, I found the answer while I was thinking about something else. My future occupation. Occupation is not something that can be chosen as one's favorite subject. Choosing a job needs a huge consideration because you have to spend most of your time doing it, and you basically live on with it. I think that I am not ready to choose my job yet. High school student, No experience about real society, No understanding about the jobs. I like chemistry, but I know nothing about how chemistry is used in our society. I have heard about chemical engineers, but I have basically no information about what they do. The transition period was needed for me and other students. Then, I thought, "Maybe, that's the reason why I have to go to university."

In university, I am able to participate in diverse classes. Even I major in Biology, I can listen to math, physics, or even philosophy lectures. Also, what we learn in University has a huge gap from the high school curriculum. More practical issues are dealt with in classes. So, by attending university, I will be able to get knowledge about the actual works and have a wider perspective on the world. Also, lots of chances of internship during college will make me prepared to enter the real society after graduation. Through real experiences, I am able to choose a proper career for me.

So, Why don't you also think about the reason why you want to go to university? I think that this question helps a lot planning what you are going to do in university. Please leave the comments below! 
