Dear future me

Dear future me

Hello, how are you? Life as a senior is pretty tough, huh? Maybe you might not remember, but this letter is written by you exactly a year ago. Yes, it is quite awkward to write a letter to future me. But still, I wanted to give some cheerful letters to you. And please read it carefully because I spent long-time writing this letter! 

      3 years in KMLA. I didn’t think that it would end someday. When I first came to KMLA on January 31st, 2018, I wasn’t even fully realized that I was a high school student. I was just excited about my first dorm room life and new friends. No worries at all, full of excitement. However, it didn’t last long, as you know. I can say that KMLA life would be one of the hardest times in your life. Do you remember the first semester of freshman? Every night, you climbed up the double-deck bed and cried and prayed to god. You asked him to give the power to overcome all of the harsh situations that I have never met before. Everything was different from middle school life. You were overwhelmed by tons of assignments and quizzes, and even relationships with friends didn’t work out well. You didn’t believe other friends easily, so you tried to hide from others. Yes, you were young and fragile. It was the first time out of the protection of the mother bird. You even once called mom and told her for hours that you want to quit school. 
     After going through all those painful moments, as a junior, you have well adapted to KMLA life. Now, I have many friends to hang out, and even I have AP biology, international politics, statistics, AP calculus quiz and lots of other presentations in one week, I can handle it! The biggest reason that I can do this is that I believe in myself and I tried my best. Before, I thought that things were impossible for me to finish. They all seemed like a huge burden of work. But, after living for about two years in KMLA, I found out that there is nothing impossible to do! After having this mindset, I was able to overcome my problems. 

     As a senior, you must be very busy right now. You probably sent your early applications already, and you will be preparing for the final term exam and regular applications. Being a senior also means that your KMLA life would end soon, and life in a university will start. You are going to have a big hardship in there, too. It’s the first time to go abroad to study, and now you are much more far from your home and family. You can’t come to Seoul every two weeks. But always remember. You succeeded in KMLA, and you can do the same there. There is nothing impossible! Don’t just give up, go for it. I’m not just talking about college life, but every other time in your life. Always remember your first semester in KMLA.  

     About 20 days left to leave 덕고관. I envy you! I’m not sure how much you have changed during one year of senior life. Also, I am so nervous right now about being a senior. It gives me the biggest pressure that I have ever felt. Yes, college admission is so stressful. But don’t worry! Every experience and your effort would be valuable for your life. Also, your college does not decide your success or failure. You have a much longer life, and I am sure that you would have a successful life! So, don’t worry! I will also do my best to not regret my past when reading this mail. So, bye, and have a nice day :)

Sincerely, David

future me에 대한 이미지 검색결과

Sent from Hyunseok Hong on 2019/11/16
